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Advertisement - Continue Reading Below. More From Cooking Tips. This will also help reduce the chances of a grey-green ring developing around the yolk. Once cool, store the eggs in the fridge. Boil only as many eggs as you need, and refrigerate any unconsumed extras immediately. Soft boiled eggs in their shells can also be stored upright in their egg cartons.
Peeled soft boiled eggs should be placed in an airtight container in the refrigerator. This keeps the cooked whites from drying out in the colder temperature. You can also place peeled boiled eggs in a sealed, airtight container for up to a week, covered in damp paper towels so they can maintain some moisture.
To keep track of when a boiled egg is still safe for consumption, you should write the date that you put them in the fridge. If you notice an unpleasant smell or small black or green spots, these are signs that your egg has been contaminated by fungi or bacteria. Knowing how to store your food well will help you avoid wasting it through spoilage, and it will prevent you from getting a serious case of food poisoning from expired items.
Your health and safety are not worth risking over a wasted food item. All of these factors influence and determine how long hard boiled eggs are good in the fridge.
Of course, questions of how long do hard boiled eggs last in the fridge and how long are boiled eggs good for depend upon proper storage. But remember, eggs, like a lot of other dairy products actually eggs are technically classified as animal products… but, since they are purchased in the dairy section of stores we listed them under dairy , usually have a sell by date and not a use by date.
Because of this date distinction, hard boiled eggs are good for and may safely be used to complement your favorite meals even after a best by or sell by date has lapsed. The shelf life of hard boiled eggs is shorter than fresh eggs because egg shells are porous, which means air and bacteria can enter.
In nature, as hens lay eggs a special natural coating is applied which helps to seal and protect the egg. However, the government mandates that eggs be sanitized and washed before they are sold to consumers, eliminating this protective coating. Consequently, when you boil an egg, this protective coating is washed off and again makes a porous egg shell which becomes open and vulnerable to bacteria, odors and other contaminants — all things you do not want!
Therefore, the boiling process makes hard boiled eggs last for a shorter amount of time than fresh eggs. There are, of course, certain health risks associated with spoiled eggs so always remember to practice food safety and enjoy them before their shelf life has expired! Hard boiled eggs must be refrigerated at all times. Once prepared, hard boiled eggs should be stored in a tightly closed container in the fridge to keep out moisture and other contaminants. Freezing hard boiled eggs is NOT recommended, as this destroys their cellular structure and thus reduces their shelf life.
Freezing eggs, whether or not they have been boiled, is not recommended because the whites become very rubbery and discolored after the freezing and thawing process.