How does tummy feel when pregnant

There are other warning signs to watch out for during pregnancy. They could mean you're experiencing pregnancy complications or a medical emergency. Page last reviewed: 26 March Next review due: 26 March Read our cookies policy to find out more about our cookies and how we use them.

Stomach pain - Warning signs during pregnancy Contents Bleeding from the vagina Stomach pain Change in your baby's movements Severe headaches Distress and thoughts of self-harm Breathlessness or chest pain Leg pain and swollen calf. You sound like you are having a lot of the signs.

Good luck and I am hoping for a positive for you!!! I hope to find out sometime soon if I am!! I'm having many symptoms but I don't know if I'm pregnant. I have to go to the bathroom frequently, I feel nauseated every night and some mornings for the past few days. My breasts are tender and my jeans are getting really tight around the waist and my appetite changed to. I find it odd that I don't want to eat foods I regularly like.

I also have really random lower back pains and I'm always tired. I'm supposed to start my period on the 25th, if I do start does this mean I'm not pregnant? I really hope I am.

I know that everyone is different and will not have the same symptoms. Sometimes it's just nice to put it all out there with women who are in the same boat. My husband and I have been TTC for 8 months now. Of course, I have taken several test out of hope for a positive over the time. The past week to two weeks I have been experiencing extremely sore breast, nipples seem to stay hard, and I can't find motivation when I get home in evening.

I am not due to start my period for about another 4 days. I am hoping and praying that we are pregnant this time. I just have tried to not get to worked up about it. The things I am experiencing are new for me. My breast normally don't become sore until the day I start my period and nothing like how they are now. I mean even when my arm rubs across them while moving around for everyday life it hurts.

I am going to try to hold off until I am at least a week late to test. Good luck to everyone that is TTC. I have a problem and hopefully someone can help me out with this. My lmp was Sept 22 and its now Oct 19, my period is suppose to start in 2 days but for the past week i've been nauseous I even vomited a few times and I'm extremely tired and exhausted all the time for no apparent reasons.

I did take a test on yesterday Oct 17 it had a very faint positive. I haven't experience pregnancy symptoms in so long seeing as tho my daughter is six.

I guess its just a waiting game now if I don't get my period by Oct 21 then I will test again and I will definitely post my results.. The fast you know the more best to baby, so should try to figure out or check that if you are pregnant.

I only have two symptoms. Frequent urination and tender breasts. I have started going to the bathroom more often then usuall when I began birth control which was last year Depo Shot so I don't know if it could be because I might be pregnate. I was on the depo shot for about four shots and you get one shot every 3 months.

At the begging of this month I switched birth control due to my severe weight gain on depo which also caused me to get A LOT of stretch marks and bigger breasts so it's hard to tell if I have gained or lost weight. I am now taking a pill birth control called Sprintex. I just took my white pill last night. I have been having period cramps for about 3 days due to my upcoming period.

Me and my boyfriend have sex. We have always used protection and the few times we didn't we went straight to a drugstore and bought the planB one step pill. Recently we have had sex with a condom but after a while my boyfriend takes it off so he can finish but he always pulls out.

I clean my vaganial area And vagina with soap and water, hydrogen peroxide and alcohol. It burns really bad but that's cause it's alcohol and I don't know if I should be doing that either. I also put on a panty liner on my underwear just in cause I missed anything and I also line that with hydrogen peroxide and alcohol. It's only been one night since our last intercourse but I'm afraid I might be pregnate. My right nipple has been sore since yesterday morning and of course while we were having sex and now but I don't know if that's cause I might be pregnate or because my boyfriend always play rough with my boobs.

Only one hurts. I don't know if I should take a pregnancy test yet or wait to see if I get my period I'm only 16 and I'm still in highschool.

Hi my name is micah me and my GF had sex two weeks ago and she is feeling all these symptoms but here's the thing.. So i need help.! My period only lasted 4 days as usual. Even if i stay awake all day i still cant sleep at night. I also am peein a lot. I was 11 weeks into my pregnancy when They told me it was just a sac. I became real sad as any other women would knowing there would be no baby!

Now The past few months I have gotten my period on time on the 3rd of each month. My periods usually last 5. My first pregnancy I didn't even test till i was 2 weeks late and it was a positive. I was blessed with a beautiful babygirl. This past pregnancy I didn't even know i was and tested 13 days late and Got the positive. For this time around though I took a test on the 6th and 8th and 10th and I got a negative.

I am confused. Should I wait till Friday to take one more Test? Any advise would help! Thank you. Christina p.

I don't know if I'm pregnant. Hi, I just went my period Friday and me and my bf had sex a day before the day I started and now I am spotting and I have been feeling dizzy and nausea for example last night he took me on a date and we was riding back home and I could not take it I had to keep telling him to pull over I was very sick and one day I woke up to go to work and I was very dizzy it lasted all day and this was only a few days ago and I was feeling nausea then too if I bent over it felt like I was about to fall straigaht on my face and we had unprotected sex last night also I have been having horrible headaches and I have been very emotional and I have heard that even though you had your period if you had sex during or a day before the sperm could stay alive and once you come off it can meet with an egg.

Someone please help me thank you so much. Hey everyone 'Im new to this site, but I was searching on google and came across it. On google I was asking questions about pregnancy because its a possibility I could be.

I really need some one to answer these question for me:. All I' ve notice is that I'm hungry more then often. But please some one help me out and write back. I'll be checking for response. Okay, so I need someone to help me out. Im 19 years old and me and my boyfriend have been using the pull out method lately. We had sex using that method the day I finished my period. I have looked it up and many say you can get pregnant from pre-cum and others say you can.

I have been more sensitive to smells, maybe it's just me but I need someones help! So you went about a week and a half without BC I think your fine.. Because it takes a while for the BC to work out of your system.. I would wait a couple more weeks before you test.. If you test to early it will come back negative and you would have wasted the money on a "pee stick" :D Calm down and relax.. Don't work yourself up just yet.

Keep us posted.. If ya need anyone to talk to.. I am here.. Well you don't know me but.. Im a good listener. I have an appointment tomorrow at our local pregnancy crisis center.

Thank you so much.. I have been freaking out.. I think I am but I am so not sure And now that you have said something about the pregnancy hormone, it makes sense So I will make sure I don't do to much heavy lifting.. I am going to call and make an appointment here soon.

Thanks so much for your help.. I will keep in touch.. But just to be safe.. Go to the doctor. Find out for sure I am going to call my doctor at the end of the week..

By then I should be on my fiance's insurance.. Have an amazing day.. Well I've never posted on one of these before. I'm stressing out right now. I hope some one can give me some advice. I know going to the dr is the only way I'll know for sure since Ive taken 2 hpt and they both were negative.

I'm 24 yrs old. I was on Welbutrin for anxiety and it was the only thing to make me regular.. ALL of them ended right around the 4th of the month I got fired from my job and lost my insurance so i couldn't afford the rx.. My last period ended Aug 4th.. We were constantly using protection. On Aug 15th.. One of the condoms broke.. I had my lil freakout and we talked about the possible outcome..

A couple weeks later i had very light bleeding that didn't even last 2 days I took another test bout a week later when i noticed that my nipples have been hurting a lot Ive been tired but i just figured that was cause i just moved and started a new job.. Im really nervous.. Sorry for the long post but i just hope i can get some advice from someone or just have someone to talk to about this..

I thought that i was the only one out there.. But im always tired. My breasts arent sore but they are getting bigger I haven't gotten my period since I took three home prego test.. All of them were negative.. I am afraid that I am going to have to go to a doc to get pregnant Pay all sorts of money.. That i don't have.. My back hurts. I don't feel the empty spot down south anymore.. I still get headaches and pee a lot.. I don't keep track. I just don't know what to do.. Im going crazy.. It sounds like your pregnant!!

Go to a doctor and find out!!!! Me and my husband been having unprotected sex and I haven't gotten my period since July On August 24 I've gotten spotting but only lasted a day and a half I'm always hungry, gets sick when I smell smoke, and having lower back pain and also my stomach has a lil pulge now! My husbands family thinks I am but I don't think I am!

Should I take a test?? The long list of early symptoms of pregnancy that you can look for during your two-week wait before you next expected period. Do you need to know potential symptoms of pregnancy before you could take any type of testing? Here are a list of all potential early clues that you are expecting. When you're trying to conceive, there are a lot of symptoms that you might not know about.

I've tried to cover the majority of pregnancy symptoms here. Good luck! This article offers a comprehensive guide on early symptoms that may indicate that you are pregnant. Wondering if you could be pregnant? Even before a missed period, you can feel early signs of pregnancy, such as cramping, nausea, and spotting. Learn some of the most common, and a few uncommon, very early signs of pregnancy. Watch for these if it's too early to take a pregnancy test.

Early symptoms of hyperemesis gravidarum can be different from typical early signs of pregnancy. Here's how to tell the difference before your missed period and positive pregnancy test.

Breast tenderness is one of the most common signs of early pregnancy. Breasts including nipples may become sensitive. UTIs are common in pregnancy and can usually be easily treated. They can cause tummy pain and sometimes, but not always, pain when you pee. Find out more about UTIs. Page last reviewed: 20 June Next review due: 20 June Home Pregnancy Pregnancy-related conditions Common symptoms in pregnancy Back to Common symptoms in pregnancy.

Stomach pain in pregnancy. Harmless stomach pains, which can be dull or sharp, may be caused by: ligament pain often called "growing pains" as the ligaments stretch to support your growing bump — this can feel like a sharp cramp on one side of your lower tummy constipation — which is common in pregnancy find out how to avoid constipation trapped wind Urgent advice: Call your midwife immediately if you have stomach pain and:. You may even get stomach cramps while the embryo is moving. Your period although some women still get light periods throughout their pregnancy , changes with the Pill; such as forgetting to take it or taking it during your seven-day break, an infection, or bleeding from sex.

It can also be a result of any hormonal changes. This is the most common pregnancy symptom and is usually the first one you might pick up on. It happens around weeks after the embryo has attached itself to the wall of the uterus, the wall builds itself up so the embryo is well-cushioned — rather than break down and cause a period. Stress, changing your contraception or excessive weight gain or loss can all contribute to changes to your period, including a missed one.

Some women complain of feeling nauseous throughout their whole pregnancy and others manage to escape it. This well-known symptom known as morning sickness will normally show up between weeks into your pregnancy. One theory is that it is caused by an increase of the hormone progesterone.

Progesterone apparently softens the muscles in the uterus ready for labour but it also softens the stomach muscles causing nausea and sickness. Food poisoning, stress, or other stomach upsets can also cause you to feel queasy. Many pregnant women complain that they find themselves falling asleep on buses, at work and even during sex. Feeling more tired is a pregnancy symptom that can also start as early as the first week and is because your body is working overtime to get ready for the baby.

Therefore, it is very common to feel tired and exhausted during pregnancy, particularly during the first trimester when your hormones fluctuate the most. The rapid increase in oestrogen levels in the first trimester, along with a constantly increased level of progesterone hormones throughout pregnancy, play a significant role in the onset of most pregnancy symptoms, including fatigue. If you are due on your period you may get a backache or if your suffering from physical or mental stress and tension.

It could also be another back problem. Straining a muscle or being cold, especially at night, can cause the muscles in your legs to tense and spasm. It can also be a result of dehydration or simply sitting still for a long period of time and not moving your muscles enough. The sudden rise of hormones in your body can cause you to have headaches early in pregnancy. There are loads of reasons why people get headaches, from tension and dehydration to eye strain.

Headaches are normal and can be triggered by too much screen time, stress, alcohol, changes to routine, and more. Having random pregnancy cravings is another one of the most common early signs and symptoms of pregnancy. Others want combinations like fish and ice cream. This could be because of a lack of protein and sugar. This can start early on and last throughout your pregnancy.

You should give into these cravings if you can, but within reason.


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